Jens Christian Thomas (b. 1982) holds a MA (Magister Artium) from the University of Leipzig with a major in Indology and minors in Central Asian Studies (Mongolistics/Tibetology) and Religious Studies. Furthermore he has a solid academic knowledge of Indo-European Linguistics. In his MA thesis he edited and translated a yet unedited manuscript of an Oirat epic (2011). He worked as a wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in the department of Mongolistics and Tibetology at the Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn where he taught extensively in the fields of Mongolian languages and history. In the subsequent years he taught several courses at the department of Indology at the University of Leipzig focusing on Sanskrit and Pali literature.

He is currently part of Task Force B at Humboldt University of Berlin and will work on early Telugu inscriptions.

Selected publications

2015 Монгол нууц товчооны 234-р зүйлийн нэг хэллэгийн тухай. In: Mongγol Sudlul/Mongolian Studies (Korea), 41 (2015), pp. 119-148.

2012 Hunger, ein selbstverursachtes Problem? Positionen im singhalesischen Buddhismus des 19. Jahrhunderts zum Hungerproblem (with Dr. Heinz Mürmel, Leipzig). In: Wolfgang Liedke e. al. (ed.): Hunger – Ursachen, Folgen, Abhilfe. Eine interdisziplinäre Kontroverse. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag, 2012. pp. 99-116.

2011 Zur Etymologie von Mongolisch noqai „Hund“ – Überlegungen zur Sippe um vorgemeinmongolisch *√no-. In: Zentralasiatische Studien (ZAS), 40 (2011), pp. 313-341.

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