SOUTIF Dominique

In the continuation of his doctorate defended in 2009 at the University of Paris III under the direction of Michel Jacq-Hergoualc’h, Dominique Soutif pursues research on the religious and profane organization of Preangkorian and Angkorian sanctuaries by comparing epigraphic and archaeological sources.

In addition to his activities within the Khmer Inscriptions Corpus program (inventory, reading and translation of inscriptions in Old Khmer), he co-directs two archaeological research programmes directly linked to his work (Yaśodharāśrama; Two Buddhist Towers) and is associated with several other research programmes devoted in particular to the study of materials and technical productions from ancient Cambodia (Cerangkor, Irangkor, etc.).

In the framework of the ERC DHARMA, he is responsible of the Corpus des Inscriptions Khmères (CIK) and co-director of the Yaśodharāśrama archaeological research Program.

Selected publications

2018 “The Corpus of Khmer Inscriptions: State of the Art, Methods and First Results”, in: Writing for Eternity: A Survey of Epigraphy in Southeast Asia, ed. by Daniel Perret, pp. 151-161. Paris: EFEO.

2018 [with Christophe Pottier] “De l’étude monumentale à l’archéologie contemporaine en Asie du Sud-Est”, in: Histoire universelle des civilisations, ed. by Jean-Paul Demoule, Dominique Garcia & Alain Schnapp. Paris: La Découverte.

2017 “Le feu sacré : étude archéologique et épigraphique d’un rituel du Cambodge ancien”, in: Deux décennies de coopération archéologique franco-cambodgienne à Angkor, ed. by Azedine Beschaouch, Franciscus Verellen & Michel Zink, pp. 9-25. Paris: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.

2014 [with Julia Estève] “Un lingakośa inscrit au Musée National du Cambodge”, Arts Asiatiques 65, pp. 96-106.

2014 [with Christophe Pottier] “De l’ancienneté de Hariharâlaya. Une inscription préangkorienne opportune à Bakong”, Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient 100, pp. 146-166. [Appeared 2016].

2013 [with Damian H. Evans et al.] “Uncovering archaeological landscapes at Angkor using Lidar”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 12595.

2011 “Le pendentif inscrit du musée national du Cambodge : Une “bague de Râma” datant du règne de Jayavarman VII (K. 1277) ?”, Arts Asiatiques 65, pp. 115-126.

2010-17 [with Julia Estève] Unpublished Rapports annuels de la mission Yaśodharāśrama. Siem Reap: APSARA-MAE-EFEO.

2010-11, [with Julia Estève] “Les Yaśodharāśrama, marqueurs d’empire et bornes sacrées – Conformité et spécificité des stèles digraphiques khmères de la région de Vat Phu”, Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient 97-98, pp. 331-355.


Tableaux paléographiques du Cambodge ancien (consonnes, voyelles, numération) :


Inventaire CIK des inscriptions khmères :

Inventaire CIK des inscriptions khmères

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