MEYER Michael

Michaël MEYER (b. 1988) succeeds Axelle JANIAK as Data Manager of the DHARMA project. He is in charge of the technical side of the project, which involves a variety of computer programming tasks.

He initially studied music. After completing his musical curriculum (DEM in piano, chamber music and music theory, Nevers Conservatory, 2005-2006) under the guidance of Roger SALA, he obtained an MA in musicology (Lyon II University, 2012) under the supervision of Françoise ANDRIEUX.

Meanwhile, he became interested in Indian literature. He started to learn Sanskrit and to study Śaiva literature under the guidance of Lyne BANSAT-BOUDON, obtaining an MA in Asian Studies (EPHE, 2016). He is currently finishing a PhD in Linguistics, under the direction of Émilie AUSSANT and Lyne BANSAT-BOUDON (Paris Cité University). His research focuses on Indian speculations and practices around the word.

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