Adeline Levivier holds a Master’s degree in Classical Philology (2011, UJM Saint-Etienne), a Master’s degree in Digital Archives (2012, ENSSIB, Lyon) and is currently completing a PhD in Greek Epigraphy and Digital Humanities at the University of Lyon 2 and the French School of Archaeology in Athens.
She has worked on several projects in digital epigraphy, archives and edition of Greek inscriptions, especially for the ANR E-PIGRAMME (France). Since 2013, she has been collaborating to the creation of a digital library of Greek squeezes from the French School in Athens and research unit HiSoMA in Lyon ( with a focus on metadata modeling aiming at analysing the lettering, which is the subject of her PhD.
She is particularly interested in epigraphical data modeling issues and in new ways of inscription rendering and visualization, as 3D and RTI photography. As a Visual Data Manager in the DHARMA project, she is now working on visual resources and their metadata. In parallel, she is in charge of the photographical record and digitization of the inscriptions and the rubbings.
Selected publications
2016 “Les collections d’estampages de l’UMR 5189 HiSoMA : création d’une bibliothèque numérique”, Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie, n°145 : Les archives de l’archéologie française à l’étranger, Paris: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
2016 E-STAMPAGES, création d’une bibliothèque d’estampages d’inscriptions grecques, Collecta : des pratiques antiquaires aux humanités numériques : actes du colloque COMUE HÉSAM, Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne, École du Louvre, publiés sous la direction de Sophie Fétro.