Karine Ladrech was awarded a PhD in Art history by Sorbonne University in 2004. She teaches history of Indian art at Sorbonne University since 2008. Her main research interests relate to Śaiva iconography and the Jaina heritage of Tamilnadu.

She will contribute to the ERC DHARMA project by working on the epigraphy, architecture and iconography of selected Tamil Jain sites.

Selected publications

Forthcoming “Jain images, Hindu images: Borrowings and conversions in the sculpture of Tamilnadu”, in:  Whispering of Inscriptions. South Indian Epigraphy and Art History. Papers from an International Symposium in memory of Professor Noboru Karashima, ed. A. Murugaiyan & E. Parlier-Renault. Indica et Buddhica Publishers.

2018 Nalini Balbir, Karine Ladrech, K. Ramesh Kumar, N. Murugesan, Jain Sites of Tamil Nadu, Pondichéry: Institut français de Pondichéry [CD-Rom].

2018 “Representations of Bhairava in Nepal”, in: The Cultural Heritage of Nepal before, during and after the 2015 Earthquakes – Current and Future Challenges, pp. 38-45. Kathmandu: Vajra Books & Oriental Cultural Heritage Sites Protection Alliance.

2015 “Bhairava et Mahākāla au Népal”, Bulletin d’Études Indiennes, 33, pp. 287-311.

2014 “Śiva, le dieu ‘autre’ : horreur et transgression”, Histoire de l’art 75 (Figures de l’altérité), pp.19-29.

2010 “Le Crâne et le glaive”. Représentations de Bhairava en Inde du Sud (VIIIe-XIIIe siècles), 467 pp. + CD. Pondichéry: Institut français de Pondichéry & École française d’Extrême-Orient (collection Indologie 112).

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