HUN Chhunteng

Hun Chhunteng is lecturer of Khmer epigraphy, Sanskrit and Linguistics at Royal University of Phnom Penh (since 2012) and Mean Chey University (since 2016). He received his B.A. in Khmer Literature (2011) and M.A. in Linguistics from Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia). He has been active in Khmer epigraphy since 2009. He has discovered and produced rubbings of a lot of new Khmer inscriptions found around Cambodia. Since 2018, he has published 14 newly found inscriptions and revised the reading and interpretation of two already edited inscriptions in various Cambodian journals.

On behalf of the DHARMA project, he is in charge of making estampages of unpublished inscriptions and of collecting epigraphic metadata around Cambodia.

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