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Solène CHEVALIER (b.1990) has a bachelor in History of Art from the Ecole du Louvre (2012), a MA in Archaeology and History of Art from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (2014), a MA in Cultural Management in EU from Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis University (2020) and a PhD in Environment and Archaeology from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (2018).

Solène’s main research interest was Italian Protohistory and more specifically maritime and coastal activities on the Tyrrhenian shore during the 2nd and 1st millennium B.C.
She worked on the seashore long-time formation, using geomorphological data, and the human settlement modelling, using archaeological data.

After having obtained her PhD, she chose to professionally retrain in cultural and scientific management.
She is succeding to Audrey TAVERDET in her responsabilities. As European Project Manager of the ERC DHARMA, Solène joined the CEIAS/CESAH in August 2020. She is in charge of the administrative, legal and financial aspects of DHARMA project, also of the communication, valorisation and dissemination of the project results.

Her hobbies are drawing, engraving, literature, kayaking, rowing, sailing, traveling, hiking and when possible, walk on the seashore.

Selected Publications

2020 “L’iconographie navale en Italie tyrrhénienne (Âge du bronze final – époque archaïque), Aristonothos. Rivista di studi sul Mediterraneo antico, 16 (2020), pp. 7-46.

2020 “La côte tyrrhénienne orientale comme interface géographique et culturel”, in : Incontrarsi al limite. Ibridazioni mediterranee nell’Italia preromana, ed. by Maria Paola Castiglioni, Mariateresa Curcio, Rachele Dubbini, pp. 287-300. Rome : L’Herma di Bretschneider. (ΑΔΡΙΑΣ, 6, Nuova Serie. 1, 2020).

2020 “L’exploitation du sel marin de la péninsule italienne de l’âge du Bronze à l’époque
archaïque. Une vision tyrrhénienne”, in : Sel et société 2. Santé, croyances et économie, ed. by Armelle Masse, Christine Hoët Van Cauwenberghe, Gilles Prilaux, pp. 257-274. Lille : PUS (2019).

2019 “L’occupation du littoral tyrrhénien oriental, de l’âge du Bronze moyen au début du
premier âge du Fer “, in : Entre terres et eaux. Les sites littoraux de l’âge du Bronze : spécificités et relations avec l’arrière-pays, ed. by Yves Billaud, Thibaut Lachenal, pp. 303-318. (Séances de la société préhistorique française, 14, 2019).

2018 ” La production de sel sur la côte tyrrhénienne de la péninsule Italique. De l’âge du
Bronze à l’époque archaïque”, Siris, 16 (2016), 2018, pp. 11-35.