Sylvain Brocquet teaches Sanskrit language and literature as well as comparative linguistics at the Université d’Aix-Marseille.

His research fields are: Sanskrit poetics, Indian aesthetics, Sanskrit poetry with several meanings, Indian epigraphy (mainly Sanskrit), and history of European Indology.

In the ERC DHARMA project, he will take part to the Task-force A (The Tamil-Speaking South of India) and contribute Sanskrit inscriptions and Sanskrit parts of bilingual inscriptions of the Pallavas and the Colas.

Selected publications

2010 La Geste de Râma, poème à double sens de Sandhyâkaranandin, Pondichéry: IFP & EFEO.

2013 “La fabrique du double sens dans la poésie sanskrite : l’exemple du Rāghavapāṇḍavīya de Kavirāja”, Bulletin d’études indiennes 32, pp. 13-70.

2015 “Le mot dharma dans le Buddhacarita. Polysémie et rhétorique de la conversion”, in: Poïkiloï Karpoï. Exégèses païennes, juives et chrétiennes. Études réunies en hommage à Gilles Dorival, ed. Mireille Loubet et Didier Pralon, pp. 283-311. Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence.

In press “La Théorie du śloka d’Antoine Léonard Chézy”, in: Antoine Léonard de Chézy et les débuts des  études sanskrites en Europe. 1800-1850, Actes du Colloque international à l’occasion du bicentenaire de la chaire de sanskrit au Collège de France. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France.

In press “Mahendravarman’s Inscription in the So-called ‘Rock-Fort Temple’ of Tiruccirāppaḷḷi: The King in the Temple”, in: South Indian Epigraphy and Art History. In Memory of Professor Noburu Katashima, ed. A. Murugaiyan & E. Parlier-Renault.

Forthcoming a translation and study of Kavirāja’s Rāghavapāndvīya and a Sanskrit Chresthomaty.

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