Aditia Gunawan (b. 1983) is a librarian specialized in Sundanese, Old Sundanese and Old Javanese texts and manuscripts. He has completed a Master in Texts and Linguistics at the INALCO, Paris (2016), with a thesis entitled Bhīma Svarga: étude d’un texte en vieux javanais et de sa transmission manuscrite. He is also engaged in the Indonesian manuscript digitization programme DREAMSEA (Digital Repository of Endangered and Affected Manuscripts in South-East Asia) and is being active in Indonesian Association of Manuscripts (Manassa).

His research in the ERC DHARMA will focus on an Old Sundanese text dated to the 15th century and entitled Saṅ Hyaṅ Śāsana Mahāguru.

Selected Publications

2009 [with Agung Kriswanto] “Kala Purbaka: Kisah Batara Kala dalam Teks Sunda Kuna” [Kala Purbaka: The story of God Kala in Old Sundanese], in Pulung Karaton Pajajaran, pp. 93–133. Bandung: Pusat Studi Sunda (Seri Sundalana No. 8).

2010 “Warugan Lemah: Pola Permukiman Sunda Kuna” [Warugan Lemah: Old Sundanese settlement], in Perubahan Pandangan Aristokrat Sunda, pp. 147–181. Bandung: Pusat Studi Sunda (Seri Sundalana No. 9).

2010 [with Munawar Holil] “Membuka Peti Naskah Sunda Kuna Koleksi PNRI: Upaya Rekatalogisasi” [Opening the boxes of the Old Sundanese Manuscripts in the National Library of Indonesia: Recataloging Effort] in Perubahan Pandangan Aristokrat Sunda, pp. 103–146. Bandung: Pusat Studi Sunda (Seri Sundalana 9).

2014 [with Arlo Griffiths] “The Oldest Dated Sundanese Manuscript: An Encyclopedia from West Java, Indonesia”, Hamburg: Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC).

2015Nipah or Gebang? A Philological and Codicological Study based on Sources from West Java”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land en Volkenkunde 171, pp. 249–280.

2016 “Produksi Naskah dan Misticisme Aksara dalam Bhīma Svarga” [Manuscript Production and Character Mysticism in Bhīma Svarga], Manuskripta 6.1.

2017 “Manuscript Production and Akṣara Mysticism in the Bhīma Svarga”, Nalanda Sriwijaya Centre Working Paper No. 26 (Dec. 2017).


– [with Arlo Griffiths] Studies in the Old Sundanese.
– Textile in Old Sundanese Texts.
– Old Sundanese Islamic Manuscripts.
– Particle ‘ma’ in Old Sundanese.

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