Pierre ANDONG (b. 1993) has a MA in International Affairs (2016) from the Université Lille 3 and a MA in European Studies (2019) from the Université Aix-Marseille.

Pierre’s main interest is Political Science and International Relations.

He has jumped in the professional world as European Project Manager at Inserm Transfert (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), and he chose to shift his career path towards social sciences.

Pierre succeeds Solène CHEVALIER as European Project Manager of the ERC DHARMA and has joined the CEIAS/CESAH in April 2022. He is in charge of the administrative, legal and financial aspects of DHARMA project, as well as of the communication, valorisation and dissemination of the project results.

His hobbies are literature, political sciences, football, swimming, hiking, cooking and when possible meditating.

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