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Legal Orders in Precolonial Southeast Asia – Workshop (June 2023)

On June 14th and 15th 2023, will be organised at Princess Maha Chakri Sirinddhorn Anthropology Centre in Bangkok, an international workshop entitled Legal Orders in Precolonial Southeast Asia. Amongst the panelists, our fellow partner from the DHARMA project Arlo Griffiths will join these stimulating and fruitful conversations.

Here is the programme below :

Day 1: 14th June 2023

9.00 9.15 Registration
9.15 9.30 Welcome address, by Dr Komatra Chuengsatiansup (SAC)
9.30 9.45 Opening Speech, by Gregory Kourilsky (EFEO)
9.45 10.00 General presentation, by Christian Lammerts (Rutgers University)

Session 1: Law in space, boundaries, endowments, property

10.00 10.40 Land Tenure System in the Malay Peninsula: A Comparative Analysis of Four Codes of Law”, Elsa Clavé (Universität Hamburg)

10.50 11.30 The Legal Order of the Majapahit State (East Java, 13th through 15th centuries)”, Arlo Griffiths (EFEO) & Nurmalia Habibah (Universitas Gadjah Mada)

11.30 12.10 Documents of Wat Namrop (Phunphin, Suratthani): Law and the Enforcement of the
Royal Court’s Authority over Monasteries in Southern Siam”, Santi Pakdeekham (Office of the Royal Society) & Thissana Weerakietsoontorn (Ramkhamhaeng University)


Session 2: Law in time : stasis, adaptation, reform

13.30 14.10 When the Khmer Kings Made the Laws, As Much As the Laws Made the Khmer King:
The Reconfiguration of Royal Sovereignty Through the SeventeenthCentury Khmer Legal Codes”, Gregory Mikaelian (CNRS)

14.10 14.50 What is the Three Seals Law? Learnings from Translation”, Chris Baker (Independent
scholar) & Pasuk Phongpaichit (Chulalongkorn University)

15.00 15.40 Lawgiver Kings in Laos, 14th16th Centuries”, Gregory Kourilsky (EFEO)

15.40 16.20 Anachak Lak Kham: A NineteenthCentury Customary Law Code from the Northern Thai State of Nan”, Volker Grabowsky (Universität Hamburg)




Day 2: 15th June 2023

Session 3 : Law in relation : identities, peripheries, negotiations

9.30 10.10 Textual Modes of Javanese Legal Ordering”, Tim Lubin (Washington and Lee University)

10.10 10.50 Penghulu Court, Islam, and Customary Law in Cirebon: a Critical Review of Criminal
Case in 1794”, Hazmirullah (Independent Scholar)

11.00 11.40 Relation between Thai and Khmer Laws in Manuscripts from the Early Rattanakosin Era”, Chatpisit Pachanee (Silpakorn University)

11.40 12.20 Gender, Legal Hybridity, & Lineality in Panduranga: Cham Sovereignty & Vietnamese
Settler Colonialism in the Early Modern Era”, Nhung Tuyet Tran (University of Toronto)


Session 4 : Law in language : voice, performance, rhetoric

13.30 14.10 A Corpus of Texts Conveying Lao Royal Authority: the rājaāā”, Michel Lorrillard (EFEO)

14.10 14.50 Lak Chai or The Victorious Principle of Judgement: The Legal Handbook of Ayutthaya
Preliminary Examination, Trongjai Hutangkura (SAC) & Wipada Onwimol (Independent Scholar)

15.00 15.40 May Your Child Be Born Without Head, Legs, Vagina, or Penis’: The Use of Curses in
Mandarese Legal Treatises”, Muhammad Buana (Leiden University & KITLV)

15.40 16.20 Narrative as Witness in the Inheritance Chapter of a Seventeenthcentury Burmese and Arakanese Legal Treatise”, Christian Lammerts (Rutgers University)

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
hinda (May 22, 2023). Legal Orders in Precolonial Southeast Asia – Workshop (June 2023). DHARMA project ERC n° 809994. Retrieved January 24, 2025 from

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