The “Śaiva-Buddhist Encounters in Early Medieval East India” workshop
During two days (13 – 14th of October 2022), art historians, philologists, epigraphists and archaeologists met at the Università l’Orientale di Napoli in order to discuss the intricate topic of Śaiva-Buddhist Encounters in Early Medieval East India (ca. 600–1200 CE). This workshop was organised by the postdoctoral fellow Lucas den Boer as part of the Śivadharma project. Amongst the presenters, there was researchers from the DHARMA project – Prof. Annette Schmiedchen, Prof. Ryosuke Furui, Dr. Dániel Balogh and Dr. Coline Lefrancq – who have participated in these intense and fruitful encounters.
If you want to know more about the papers that were presented, you can consult the programme here: Programme Śaiva-Buddhist Encounters
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pandong (November 3, 2022). The “Śaiva-Buddhist Encounters in Early Medieval East India” workshop. DHARMA project ERC n° 809994. Retrieved September 9, 2024 from