Activities of the CIK (Corpus of Khmer Inscriptions) since the beginning of 2022
This year, Dominique Soutif is holding a seminar on Khmer epigraphy entitled “From discovery to publication: epigraphical studies of the Khmer corpus“, as part of the CIK (Corpus des Inscriptions Khmères) project. The seminar is held weekly in person (or on Zoom on request) and is intended for anyone wishing to learn about the different stages of an inscription’s study, from recording (inventory sheets, visual documentation, etc.) to publication (transliteration standards, translation). The inscriptions studied on this occasion are written in ancient Khmer language and are dated from the pre-Angkorian period to the Angkorian period (i.e. from the 7th to the 13th century).
One of the latest inscriptions inventoried in the CIK corpus, K. 1562, from Phnom Ba Rieng (Kompong Thom province).
In addition, a workshop has been organized by the EFEO Bangkok in collaboration with the SAC (Sirindhorn Center) where the Cambodian-based CIK taskforce presented the last stage of the development of the CIK corpus and trained key-epigraphists from Thai universities into photogrammetry and RTI technologies. For this purpose, Adeline Levivier, as Data Visual Manager of the DHARMA project, flew in from France to do a demo of these techniques at the central warehouse of the National Museum in Bangkok.
Adeline Levivier doing a RTI demonstration. Photo: SAC.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
pandong (June 6, 2022). Activities of the CIK (Corpus of Khmer Inscriptions) since the beginning of 2022. DHARMA project ERC n° 809994. Retrieved January 25, 2025 from
Might you be able to send details about the workshop, the mentioned photo technique and the data management process and program? This information would be most helpful to my work. Thank you very much.